Moodle 365 is the concept name of the end-to-end Moodle learning management system integrated solutions developed by Kliksoft.
Moodle 365 provides the management of the Moodle system in accordance with the number of users, its installation, adaptation, integration with the existing student information system and virtual classroom structures, the provision of managed hosting and cloud services, ready-made catalog content service and periodic maintenance and technical support services with a single contract.
Under the heading of Moodle LMS services; projecting the possible Moodle architecture (depending on the total number of students and academicians of the university), installation of application server, database and cache servers and their peripheral components, integration of localization layer, integration with 3rd party applications (such as student information system, virtual classroom solutions, plagiarism reporting services, etc.), periodic maintenance services, version update services, technical support services and managed hosting and broadcasting services are offered to universities as an integrated solution.
Kliksoft provides hosting, installation, integration, adaptation, periodic maintenance, technical support and training services for Moodle LMS for the management of the learning processes and distance education needs of universities. Following the feasibility project studies, new installation service or improvement of existing implementations and reconfiguration services are offered in line with the request of the university.
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Kliksoft provides periodic maintenance, version update and technical support services for the Moodle projects it has installed, as well as Learning Management services for the personnel who will use the platform and UZEM management.
Learning Management Consultancy covers the topics of establishing the right learning management path, periodically monitoring the distance education structure carried out, and providing improvement services in the process.
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